Signatures is a privilege on Informed Webmaster that requires that you have created 25 quality posts before you can set it up.
Before setting up your signature remember to read and follow our linking rules and guidelines: Informed Webmaster Forum Rules and Guidelines.
We maximum allow 2 text links. Your signature is not allowed to contain a list of keywords and your signature should not be overly distracting.
Creating your signature
Go to the User Control Panel:
First you need to click your username at the top right of the forum then you need to click the User Control Panel link on the drop-down list.
You should now be located in the User Control Panel:
In the User Control Panel click the Profile tab and on the left menu click Edit signature. Fill in the text-box with what you would like the signature to show and click Submit.
Now you should have your signature created.
The Informed Webmaster Administrator Team.
HOW TO: Create Your Signature
Forum rules
Please make yourself familiar with our rules and guidelines before posting.
Please make yourself familiar with our rules and guidelines before posting.
- J. H. Rasmussen
- Administrator
- Posts: 1360
- Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:13 pm
- Reputation: 619
- Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
- Has thanked: 47 times
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