Informed Webmaster Forum Rules and Guidelines

You'll find our rules, guidelines and how-tos in this forum section.
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Informed Webmaster Forum Rules and Guidelines

Post by Accrete »

Welcome to Informed Webmaster! We look forward to seeing your questions and your helpful input answering your fellow forum members issues.

To be able to post to this forum you first have to create an account.

We want this forum to be a friendly place where anyone no matter how new to the web they are feels comfortable asking questions and contributing to discussions. There are no dumb questions. ;)

To make this forum enjoyable for everyone there needs to be a few rules:

English Speaking and Family Friendly
1. This is a family friendly English speaking forum. Non English information, links and offensive content will be removed. No content pertaining to or links to adult content, gambling or illegal activity allowed.

Be Respectful and Courteous
2. Be respectful to your fellow forum members. If you disagree with something posted nicely provide information from a respected source to prove your counter point or attempt to correct misinformation posted. Those who are rude to other members will be warned. If it continues the member will be banned.

No Advertising
3. All advertising and self promotion is limited to the Marketplace other than what is permitted in your signature. There is zero tolerance of self promotion via private messages and your user profile page. No affiliate, shortened or redirect links are to be posted to this forum.

Starting Threads
4. Check the forum section themes and descriptions before starting a new thread. Threads posted in the wrong section will be removed.

5. Before starting a new thread please check the existing threads in the appropriate section of the forum or use the search function to see if

a ) you can find the answer to your question in an existing thread
b ) ask for some more information in an existing thread that partially answers your question.

6. Please use a descriptive tile (subject) when starting a new thread. This will help with point #5. :)

Duplicate Content
7. This forum is not an article/content marketing site. Please do not use it as one. Posting your articles here that are also posted on the web elsewhere does not help your or our search engine optimization. Articles found to be copied and pasted here will be removed. All copyrighted materials will be removed.

8. Providing information from another site to prove your point of view or for discussion should

a ) Only be a portion of the article.
b ) Use the quote function / button for copied content.
c ) Give credit to the original author complete with a link to the article so members can read the whole article if they wish.

Reputation Buttons
9. Those found to abuse the reputation buttons (both good and bad) will be warned then otherwise dealt with if the practice continues.

Business Transactions
10. All business transactions are the responsibility of the seller and buyer (Buyer Beware). A member found not to be conducting business in good faith may loose their account.

Replying to Threads
11. All replies need to be respectful even if you disagree.
12. Please use the search function or scroll through the sections of the forum to find a thread that answers your question or you can contribute to. This is so we do not have multiple active threads on the same topic.
13. Do not reply to/bump threads that have been dormant for 6 months or longer. Start a new thread. You can reference an old thread in your opening post if you have further questions.

General Notes
Note: Some sections of the forum may have additional rules and guidelines posted in them. These will be sticky threads at the top of the applicable forums. Please read these section specific rules and guidelines before starting your new thread.

We have provided a number of How to threads in the Informed Getting Started at Informed Webmaster section of the forums. Please read them all to keep in compliance with our expectations.

If you see any activity on the forum that is not in compliance with these rules please report the thread or post for the Administration to take care of. We can't be everywhere 24/7 so your help to keep this a friendly place to participate in would be appreciated.

Questions about or clarification of these rules should be posted in our forum support section.

While we have no intention of doing so, this forum reserves the right to ban any member at anytime for any or no cause or reason.

Thank you for taking the time to read these rules and guidelines. Now get registered and start participating!
Yours truly,
Accrete Web Solutions

SEO troubleshooting and review services available. - Pm me.

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Re: Informed Webmaster Forum Rules and Guidelines

Post by Colbyt »

Very nicely done. Short and to the point.
Attempting to learn bootstrap is where I am. :)

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J. H. Rasmussen
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Re: Informed Webmaster Forum Rules and Guidelines

Post by J. H. Rasmussen »

Looks very good Accrete :)

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