Here is some information about the different user group roles.
Mentors are the members who have shown to be excellent forum members. They respect our rules and guidelines. They are helpful to other members and the community in general.
We don't create mentors. We point them out when we find them in the community by adding them to the Mentor user group/rank.
Moderators and Super Moderators
Normal moderators can moderate in specific forum sections like remove low quality posts, edit posts to make sure they follow our rules an guidelines and issue warnings.
Super moderators can do the same as normal moderators, additionally they can ban members and have their moderator power in all forum sections on Informed Webmaster.
Has the same powers as super moderators and can administrate the forum like editing forum sections, rules and guidelines, change usernames etc.
No matter what role you have in the community we are glad that you chosen Informed Webmaster as your source for webmaster related information.

The Informed Webmaster Administrator Team.