WordPress Limit Login Attempts: How to do it?

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WordPress Limit Login Attempts: How to do it?

Post by Accrete »

Do you have something in place to protect your admin login page from hackers?
...Hackers are guessing login credentials to break into WordPress sites every minute of the day. In fact, the WordPress login page is the most attacked page on a WordPress site.

Once a hacker breaks in, they gain full access to your admin dashboard and can take control of your site. From there, they can misuse your site to advertise and sell illegal and fraudulent products, spam your visitors, steal your business data, among a long list of malicious acts...
WordPress Limit Login Attempts: How to do it?

The article above shows how to protect your admin page 2 ways:
  • with a plugin
  • using your own code
What do you think of using your own code?
Yours truly,
Accrete Web Solutions

SEO troubleshooting and review services available. - Pm me.

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